Notice is hereby given that bids will be received at the
office of the Madison County Commissioners, 1 North Main Street, London, Ohio,
43140, on Tuesday, February 25, 2025 at 10:00 A.M., Ohio Standard Time for the
(2025 Asphalt Materials) according to specifications on file in the Madison
County Commissioners’ Office. The bids will be opened and read aloud
immediately thereafter at the same date, time, and location.
Bids shall be submitted on forms furnished by the
Madison County Engineer in a sealed envelope marked “2025 ASPHALT MATERIALS” on
the outside. Sealed bids shall be submitted to the Madison County Commissioners’ Office at
the address listed above.
Bid packets may be obtained from the Madison County
Engineer, 825 US 42 NE, London, Ohio, 43140 or can be downloaded from http://sharepoint/publicaccess/default.aspx
or under “Notices” on the Madison County website at Contact the Madison County Engineer’s Office
at 740-852-9404 for more information.
ASPHALT MATERIALS shall conform to the 2016 edition of
the Construction and Materials Specifications of the Ohio Department of
Transportation and the attached Supplemental Specifications. ODOT CMS Section
401.20, Asphalt Binder Price Adjustment shall not apply.
Bids shall have separate unit prices for all items.
Bids will be for furnishing of materials.
specified in R.C. 153.54, a bidder (OF CHIP SEAL ASPHALT EMULSIONS ONLY)
must submit a bid guaranty in the form of either:
(1) a bond for the full amount of the bid, or
(2) a
certified check, cashier’s check, or letter of credit in the amount of 10% of
the bid.
Bidders shall comply with the provisions of the
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
Bids will be awarded to the lowest and best bidder on
each individual item.
The Board of Commissioners of Madison County reserves
the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any defects in the bids.
The Notice to Bidders is posted on the Internet and may
be viewed on the Madison County web page at: http://sharepoint/publicaccess/default.aspx
Order of the Board of
County Commissioners
Rees, Clerk
Posted - County Website:
February 7, 2025
Advertised - Madison
Messenger: February 9, 2025
2025 Asphalt Materials-Bid Docs.pdf